Thinking about publishing your book(s)? Take this workshop first!
Need a better marketing plan? Take this workshop now!
Guaranteed to enlighten!

Follow your heart to make your dreams come true, but make sure you have your "To-Do" list in hand!
This virtual workshop is a 4½ hour online intensive training with an expert – me! It's designed to engage your head in listing the foundational information you need, while engaging your heart in making the important decisions about who and what goes where. This workshop will provide you with all of the fundamentals of publishing and marketing your book, and you will have a personal step-by-step plan to cover everything you need to launch your book successfully into earth’s atmosphere for all to read and enjoy!
“Birthing Your Book™: Publishing & Marketing Your Book in Two Worlds”
A Sweete Virtual Workshop tailored to publishing and marketing your book!
Go forth knowing the important foundation needed to make the right decisions for you and your book!
In this Sweete Workshop you will be creating and itemizing your personalized step-by-step plan to launch your book with confidence!
I am the designer and facilitator of this virtual training. With education and experience in both publishing and marketing, I'm excited to bring you this perfect gathering of just the right information you need to become a successful author and market your book(s) effectively.
I have years of accolades supporting my leadership in the world of training, while continuing my own writing and assisting authors with an a la carte menu of everything from assistance with writing and editing, to layout, cover design, publishing, and marketing. I love books and the authors who write them!
It's easy to get where you're going when you have the right directions. Sign up today and let's make a date to WORKshop you and your book into shape on your path to literary success!

"The 'Birthing Your Book™' workshop is a great way of understanding what needs to be done to accomplish one's publishing and marketing goals. I came out of this workshop with a much better sense of direction, an itemized to-do list, and a clarity about decisions I must make to successfully publish and market the book I have not yet finished. The examples and videos were a great help. Thank you, Jennifer Sweete!"
- GaGa Gabardi, Expert Coach and Presenter, Colorado
"Jennifer Sweete's 'Birthing Your Book™' workshop brought me out of my rabbit hole, encouraged me to pull musty beginnings of a new book idea out from under my bed and breathe new life into it."
- Maria Weber, Author of I'll Be There to Write the Story, Colorado
"Although I've already published several P.O.D. books, Jennifer Sweete's 'Birthing Your Book™: Publishing & Marketing in Two Worlds' workshop was eye-opening! I came away with a clear understanding of new publishing options available to me, and more important, I now have a manageable task list for ways to improve my marketing and update my social media platforms. Lots of instantly implementable information!"
- Laurel McHargue, Author of the Waterwight Series, Colorado
"I found the 'Birthing Your Book™' workshop on publishing and marketing to be very informative. I had no idea that there were so many must-do steps to get a manuscript from author to the reading public. Regardless of whether one chooses the traditional publishing route or one of the independent choices, there is a formidable amount of work that must be done by the author. If you are a writer considering publishing one of your works, put this workshop on the top of your must do list. Jennifer is an engaging facilitator with a thorough knowledge of the ever-changing world of publishing. Worth every penny spent!"
- Don Owens, Blogger at, Colorado
"I left Jennifer Sweete’s 'Birthing Your Book™: Publishing & Marketing in Two Worlds' workshop with insightful information about different publishing options available to non-agented writers. Thanks to her comprehensive evaluation of self-publishing opportunities, I’m moving forward toward publication of my first book and referencing her detailed self-publishing checklist every day!"
- Cary Unkelbach, Freelance Witer and Blogger, Colorado
"'The 'Birthing Your Book™' workshop rekindled my enthusiasm to publish my writing. Offering a realistic picture of the myriad of tasks involved in completing and publishing a book, Jen challenged us to identify the tasks we would be willing to undertake and which we would rather delegate to someone else. That ridiculously simple solution had never occurred to me, but learning that I wouldn't have to do everything myself made it seem possible that I could actually accomplish the goal of getting published. Consequently, though I still have a way to go, I'm now back on track and writing with a greater sense of purpose and direction."
- Tom Dury, Writer and soon-to-be Published Author, Colorado
"Jennifer Sweete's 'Birthing Your Book™' workshop on publishing was great. I found it informative, humorous and a comfortable environment for learning. I know it took lots of energy to organize, and produce, for that I say, thank you very much. The roundtable discussion was enlightening to say the least. It was a good opportunity to hear from published authors about the challenges facing those of us on a similar path but have yet to publish our book(s). I definitely left the workshop with more wisdom than when I arrived."
- Paul Hudon, Writer and Blogger, Colorado
"Jennifer Sweete’s 'Birthing Your Book™' workshop is the most worthwhile and comprehensive workshop I’ve ever attended. Much of her vast knowledge of publishing and marketing a book manuscript is relayed in a prepared-ahead power-point presentation, delineating the difference between traditional methods of publishing and more modern methods available today. With plenty of time allowed for questions and clarifications, Jennifer helps you gauge your tolerance for certain inevitable 'chores' that come with either choice that you will need to deal with or pay for assistance to accomplish."
- Margery Dorfmeister, Author, Playwright and Poet, Colorado
"Jennifer Sweete’s 'Birthing Your Book™' workshop was extremely helpful in preparing for the next step with my writing. As one of those who hopes to soon be going through the publishing process, learning what choices will be available to me, as well as the pros and cons, takes away some of the apprehension. I am now looking forward to reaching this next level on the literary stage."
- Robin Hall, Writer, Historian, Colorado