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Basic Building Blocks to Self-Mastery!

From high school Freudian psychobabble to Newtonian physics to dissect-a-squid biology (don’t wear white – there’s a reason writers of old used squid ink on their quills) to Quantum physics to Esoteric psychology, the journey has been a long and arduous climb.


Taking the Fourth Way up the Twelve Steps made the ascent to the peak of serenity finally attainable! Had I done all this in college I’d have a PhD, but I opted for a BTH instead (the “Been Through Hell” degree from the School of Hard Knocks). I write from knowledge and experience.


What began as a letter to a sponsee in a twelve step program turned into a book for those who wish to add spiritual discovery to their spiritual recovery. The work outlined in these pages is simple yet challenging, sacrificing yet rewarding, and holds the promise of an unequivocal understanding of the Self as well as a remarkably palpable connection with a power greater than the Self.


The time for Personal Revelation is Now!

NOTE: This book is available in paperback and ebook formats

Woman with Silver Star Balloons


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Title TBA

A collection of short stories - my partly fact, partly fiction humorous but slightly unnerving take on the new millennium . . .



Click Here to purchase your copy today on Amazon or via Expanded Distribution.



Hook, Line, and Sinker!


He was a fisherman and a carpenter. She was barely a woman when he changed her life, her destiny, and her ideas about Love for all eternity. A profound story of two people who broke every rule, including the Space-Time barrier. 36 years in the making, this tapestry of romance, poetry, and memoir threaded together with the unbreakable bonds of Love, will tangle up your heart until you are completely hooked on LOVE ever after.

How Sweete the story of a love that transcended even death, while weaving the verses of a poetic conversation that crossed dimensions between the pages of the ages. Over the waterfall and into the rapids, this unique and remarkable literary journey is guaranteed to make you laugh out loud and weep from the depths of your heart at the tale of two souls merged as one and the bullet that struck and saved them both.

“The Poet always knew my heart

and forever always will,
and taught me beyond any doubt

that love death cannot kill.”

NOTE: This book is a combination of Memoir story interwoven with Poetry and Art. Due to its complex layout, it is available only in paperback format.

UFO silhouette behind the glass door.jpg


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Title TBA

#scifi novel wherein planet Earth’s main character . . . well, we can’t spill all the beans now, can we?

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