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Writer's pictureJennifer Sweete

The How-to Book for Composting Your Manuscript

Third Rock Magic

judge's gavel

That’s right. Not all of our manuscripts are heading to the New York Times Bestseller list, but that doesn’t mean we can’t publish them. Unless, perhaps, they are really so far gone that it’s time to RIP them. And I don’t mean RIP as in tear them up. I don’t mean shred them. I don’t mean feed them to the bon fire flames. And I don’t mean grind them up in the garbage disposal.

Neither do I mean to send them to the recycling plant — I assume you all know better than to wad them up and cast them into the windy landfill.

I mean to do some gardening magic with them. And for such a task there is only one item you will need to have in your home or office — the Third Rock Compost Bin!

That’s right writers and authors — same, same — take those unruly, unfit words that stubbornly refuse to knit together into a coherent rambling we call a “novel” or “memoir” or “self-help” or some other genre book, and line your Third Rock Compost Bin! with their pages. Add potato peelings, banana peels, apple cores, jalapeno seeds, toast crumbs, and any other non-meat food scraps happening in your kitchen, cover and let sit a few days, and VOILA! Your words have returned to the ethers, unscrambled and ready to fertilize your brain again for a brand new story!

Now that’s some Earth magic!

The Third Rock Compost Bin! comes in other shapes, too! Complete with a nice plastic bucket on the inside that rinses clean instantly. Along with a starter pack of charcoal filters. What more could we ask for? They've thought of everything!

And, don't you just LOVE the tree on the front?

They even have their own website!

Where can you get your Third Rock Compost Bin? I got mine at Amazon, and chose this brand for its size, shape, and good looks. I’ll admit it. Superficial. But in all fairness, it did come with the charcoal filter, which is more practical than aesthetic.

Before I got my Third Rock Compost Bin! I had a terrible problem with fruit flies. At the end of each day we’d take the compost to our outdoor composting pile, but that wasn’t enough. Watching Netflix through a crosshatch of a hundred little gnats landing on the lit up screen was utterly annoying. That’s when I realized I had to switch from murdering the little buggers to cutting off their food source, which is exactly what my Third Rock Compost Bin! does for me! With its nice seal between bin and lid, and the charcoal filter that prevents odor from reaching even the tiniest nose, it’s as if no food was rotting in my kitchen at all!

Writers, readers, and everyone else should own a Third Rock Compost Bin! because the best fertilizer for your garden is the stuff that falls aimlessly out of your mind!

Three guesses where this blog is going . . .

That’s right! It's going onto my website! Even though I could probably write a New York Times Bestselling book about it, I'll keep it short and Sweete. Thanks for reading along.

Now go buy your Third Rock Compost Bin!

Jennifer Sweete Undercovers Book Reviewer

© Jennifer Sweete, February 2020

Sweete Quote: “A product review is worth a thousand pictures, especially when the photographer is slightly off balance."

Blogging gives me a way to keep practicing my writing while keeping in touch with you! So please do post your thoughts, suggestions, critiques, and compliments (especially the compliments) in the Comments section. Just know that I'm too "frugal" to upgrade, so I can't comment on your comments unless you email them to me directly, which you can do on my Contact page! Or Tweet me!

Any typos found in this document are caused by sleep deprivation and/or watching my Third Rock Compost Bin! hard at work in my kitchen. The author makes no apologies for spacing out on this presidential Monday.


Look for my future Jennifer Sweete blog posts right here!

Need help editing your written work? I edit with you! Yes, WITH YOU!

How effective is your Indie Author marketing strategy? Ask me about my awesome Author Assist program to help you market your book(s) in 2020!

Books I am already reading or am looking forward to reading in 2020:

Pre-suasion by Robert Cialdini – Still taking my time & copious notes ... so full, so rich!

The Way I Heard It by Mike Rowe – Breathtaking beautiful! If you've been paying attention, I blogged my review. A must-read for all!

Loserthink by Scott Adams – Halfway through. Interesting guy impersonating a narcissist but clearly not one in the least. Easy psychology to read; even more fascinating to experiment with! So far ...

The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson – Cool but complex.

The Gold Finch by Donna Tartt – On order. (Recommended by Doris who praises it above the movie.)

Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens – On order. (Recommended by Jean with whom I never argue.)

Until we meet again, keep reading, keep writing, keep dreaming!

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