I have been transformed. It was a Christmas of Miracles.

It was my maiden voyage with Mr. Claus for an Arizona Christmas to visit with kids and grandkids and I have been transformed. Perhaps I will write the story someday, or perhaps I'll just hang onto the details myself - like the bit about the sleigh falling apart and the Marines coming to our rescue. But the crux of it all brought me to a place in my heart where Glenda, the good witch, lives, waving her magic wand and bringing the miraculous into being.
Home Sweete Home, I realize that I am a new me and therefore, I had to build this new website to better reflect this new me. I had to build it quickly because I have to post this first blog of my new me in this new year! And so, the channelings and ramblings of 2019 begin here . . .
LIFE - If there is any such lesson worth learning at such infinite expense, it is the lesson of appreciation, gratitude. For Love is the Power, the driving force that carries upon its wings all that was, is, and ever will be . . . ITS SELF.
Touch the heart and you have touched the mind; touch the mind and you have touched the body and soul. The heart beats the rythmn of All That Is; the mind recognizes the pattern and paints pictures for the consciousness. The consciousness becomes ready when the lesson of Love becomes a Way of Life. To learn to place it above all that we are to co-create a sense of gratitude so neverending that we enter the kingdom of the Essence of Bliss, raising even the dead from their sleep. A moment melting into the Miraculous.
"For what?" you say? To which I say to you, "Ya had to have been there . . ." Living in the Miraculous . . . must be earned with efforts and bowed to with reverence.
May the next miracle await you and your gratitude, and may it be delivered on the wings of Love - the wings of ANGELS!
Thank you for my life, my love, and this, my Christmas of Miracles!
© Jennifer Sweete, January 2019
Any typos found in this document are caused by sleep deprivation. The author pleads insanity.

Look for my future Jennifer Sweete blog posts right here!
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Books I am reading this season:
The Misfit’s Manifesto by Lidia Yuknavitch – Taking a while to get through . . .
Navajo Whisper by Carol Bellhouse – Just starting. Review to come.
Pre-suasion by Robert Cialdini – Deep psych! Lovin’ it!
Write Like the Masters by William Cane – Every writer should read this book three times. (Still reading and taking copious notes!)
Until we meet again, keep reading, keep writing, keep dreaming!